An imperial marriage is a complicated affair.
It is said theirs was a loveless union.
He was vain and arrogant, his passion for a youth one of the most celebrated romances in history. She was moody, difficult, and aborted his heir to prevent harming the human race.
And yet, she left her home and followed him to the ends of the Empire, from Britannia to Egypt. He died only months after her, a crushed, brokenhearted man.
This is the story of Hadrian and Sabina.
Divided into four parts, following four love affairs – including that of Hadrian and his beloved Antinous – Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story offers a new interpretation of the relationship between the Roman emperor and his wife, and new insights into 2nd-century imperial politics. A dark and intense speculative biography, Hadrian and Sabina features historical personages as well as entirely fictional characters. The epic novel includes a touch of mysticism and the paranormal with appearances by ghosts and goddesses, priests and astrologers.
Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story is an LGBTQ+ Roman Imperial erotic epic with romantic elements.
Keywords: historical erotic romance, historical erotica, bisexual erotic romance, bisexual historical romance, bisexual erotica, gay historical romance, gay erotica, paranormal romance, paranormal erotic romance, light paranormal, Roman imperial romance, epic romance, ancient world romance, biographical fiction, Roman Empire historical fiction, Ancient Rome historical fiction, historical fiction, historical saga, epic, Roman military romance, Ancient Rome, imperial Rome, Ancient world, Roman Empire, Rome, Dacia, Britannia, Romans, emperor, empress, empire, servant, soldier, senator, Antinous, Roman emperor, Sabina, Trajan, Plotina, Suetonius, Hadrian, gods, goddesses, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone, Hades, Zeus