The Best of Success

By Mac Anderson, Bob Kelly

The Best of Success
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Success! A magical word indeed, but what exactly is it? A one-time thing, like hitting a home run, scoring a touchdown, or winning a game? Is it a destination? Or a journey? Is there a fixed, clearly marked place called "Success"? Or does it vary from individual to individual?

Does success mean achievement, or fame, or power, or wealth? Who decides when one has become "successful"? Can it be self-conferred? Is it, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder? Can we objectively define it? Can two people have nearly identical track records and yet one be seen as successful and the other to have failed?

In our research for this book, it became very clear that defining and describing success is no easy task. It is indeed a moving target, as subjective as it is elusive. We hope the quotations about them, and the stories behind each of them, will be a source of inspiration in your journey along the highway to success.

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