American Journey

By David R. Goldfield, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, William M. Barney

American Journey
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For U.S. History survey courses

Frame American history through personal and collective journeys
The American Journey: A History of the United States traces the journeys -- geographical, ideological, political, and social -- that make up the American experience. Harnessing the stories of individuals from different eras, the authors present a strong, clear narrative that makes American history accessible to students. Offering a blend of political and social histories, the Eighth Edition continues to show that our attempt to live up to our American ideals is an ongoing journey -- one that has become increasingly more inclusive of different groups and ideas.

Also available with MyHistoryLab�
MyHistoryLab for the U.S. History survey course extends learning online to engage students and improve results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they've learned. Please note: this version of MyHistoryLab does not include an eText.

The American Journey: A History of the United States, Eighth Edition is also available via REVEL(tm), an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience.

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab(tm) & Mastering(tm) does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab & Mastering, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab & Mastering, search for:
013435902X / 9780134359021 The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 2 plus MyHistoryLab for U.S. History Survey - Access Card Package, 8/e
Package consists of:
  • 0134103319 / 9780134103310 The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 2, 8/e
  • 0205967779 / 9780205967773 MyHistoryLab for U.S. History Survey Access Card