PATSY: Parability for Automatic Test SYstems
By: Don Tobey
The story of PATSY depicts the twist and turns of a young engineer and project manager, Ross Anderson, who developed a unique device which, if successful, could save the U.S. Navy over $180 million a year through the remote calibration of deployed test equipment around the world using satellite digital and laser technology. A technological oddity occurs during the test which generated a thermal surface image of an aircraft carrier in the Asian-Pacific Rim. When Russia detects a false image, they respond by launching MiG-31 aircraft to destroy the imaginary target creating an international incident. U.S. Intelligence and WARFARE Agencies become involved, and soon Rodd learns that his lead programmer was murdered and his assistant had stolen the test back-up tapes and attempted to sell them to KGB agents in Toronto before being killed himself. Recruited by the CIA, Ross assists in a clandestine exchange of data with a disgruntled high level Russian scientist through risky mission which requires the covert distraction of a mistress. Through it all, Ross earns the respect from his peers as he attempts to renew his contract with the U.S. Navy and restore his marriage while formulating a new plan strategy for his company.