Modern Control System Theory

By M. Gopal

Modern Control System Theory
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Books by the same author… Digital Control Engineering M. Gopal Recent developments in LSI technology and the consequent availability of inexpensive microprocessors, memory chips and analog-to-digital converters have made it possible to use computers as integral part of control systems. This book presents control theory that is relevant to the analysis and design of computer-controlled systems. Among its features, the book:
  • contains appendices that summarize the relevant background material;
  • summarizes the theoretical and practical aspects of a large class of transform-domain and state-space design algorithms;
  • describes the background to many current approaches to self-tuning control;
  • includes a computer-aided-design package;
  • discusses basic characteristics of stepping motors and their associated drives;
  • presents important hardware and software aspects of implementation of digital control algorithms using microprocessors;
  • includes three case studies on microprocessor-based control.
Control Systems Engineering (2/e) I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal The book provides an integrated treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time linear and continuous-time nonlinear systems for two courses at undergraduate level or one course at undergraduate level and one course at postgraduate level. The stress is on the interdisciplinary nature of the subject and examples have been drawn from various engineering disciplines to illustrate the basic system concepts. A strong emphasis is laid on modelling of practical systems involving hardware; control components of a wide variety are comprehensively covered. Time and frequency domain techniques of analysis and design of control systems have been exhaustively treated and their interrelationship established. The concepts and criteria of stability are progressively built and interspersed at suitable locations culminating in the generalized criteria of Liapunov and Popov. A chapter on sampled-data control systems covering analysis, stability and design has been added in this edition. Modern approaches are introduces through a full chapter on state variables for both continuous and discrete-time systems; it includes observer and pole placement design. A new chapter on optimal control gives both transfer function and time domain approaches. The optimal linear regulator problem is treated through dynamic programming. This book ends with a chapter on nonlinear control systems and their analysis via phase-plane and describing function techniques.

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