Have you ever wondered why there are people in the world who, despite life being particularly hard on them, have managed to positively react, bringing out the best in themselves? We all agree on one thing. Keeping a positive attitude over time and learning as much as possible from what happens to us is nothing short of fundamental if we want to lay the foundations for a happy and fulfilled life in the long run. After all, the unexpected really can happen to anyone. But in the end it's always up to each individual to react and orient their life as they see fit. If it is true that, as my personal story demonstrates, we only live one life and it must be lived fully, with passion and enthusiasm, the question that therefore arises is: "How do I reach this ambitious goal?" In this book written based on my personal story, I will show you how I managed to defeat unemployment and cancer in my youth, finding my way among health and financial freedom, so as to finally live a life to the utmost of my possibilities.
RELATIONSHIPS AND EDUCATION - Why networking is essential for both business and personal growth.
- How the people around us can positively contribute to our life.
HOBBIES AND TRAVEL - Why travel not only allows us to enjoy new experiences, but also forge valuable relationships.
- The places that have had the greatest impact on my personal story.
WORK AND UNEMPLOYMENT - How to become a successful entrepreneur.
- Why proper time management is essential to live the life we really want.
ROMANCE AND AMELIA - Why it is not the quantity but the quality of our time that really makes the difference in life.
- How a child is able to make the most beautiful and intimate part of us shine.
SICKNESS AND HOW TO FACE IT - How to best face sickness.
- The importance of being confident along the path of treatment.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND DIGITAL MARKETING - The true meaning of the word "financial freedom".
- How digital marketing can really make a difference for a company in the long term.
Dario Rabozzi was born in Borgomanero in 1983. He has one daughter, Amelia. He earned a degree in Marketing Management from Bocconi University in Milan. He first worked as a Product Manager and then as Head of Marketing at a large Italian publishing house. For some years now he has been the Co-founder and Digital Manager at a Media Company specialized in the automotive industry. He is passionate about travel, sports, investments, and digital marketing, and has always believed in continuous personal growth. In addition to experiencing unemployment in his youth, he also had to face serious illness. He successfully overcame adversity with perseverance and tenacity, and has decided to share useful and valuable information with his readers in this book.