This report provides the first detailed assessment of housing association allocations policies for over 10 years. Since 1992, when the last national study of this kind was published, the sector has changed out of all recognition. In particular, stock transfer has not only expanded, but also altered the character of this segment of the housing market in a fundamental way.
Carried out in 2001-02, and funded by the Housing Corporation, the research focuses on the largest 250 'general needs' RSLs in England, nearly half of which are now transfer associations. It looks at the way that policies and practices on nominations and lettings are evolving in response to changing housing markets, legal and regulatory developments, and new thinking on social policy more broadly.
Drawing on a postal survey and detailed case studies covering a diverse set of associations, the research provides new insights into:
· how housing associations respond to housing need;
· the way that associations operate 'eligibility' rules - sometimes known as suspensions or exclusions;
· the extent of independence exhibited by housing associations through their allocations policies;
· the impact of stock transfer on access to social housing;
· the ways that associations are reshaping lettings practices to enhance both applicant choice and community stability;
· rehousing outcomes achieved in the housing association sector.
The report will be of interest to housing association senior managers, and to staff responsible for allocations functions in both local authorities and associations. It will also attract the attention of housing policymakers, academics and students.
Hal Pawson and David Mullins work at Heriot-Watt University and Birmingham University, respectively. Both authors bring to this research a wealth of experience from earlier studies on housing management issues in England, Scotland and Ireland. Each is also an experienced housing association board member.
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