Artist and designer Sabine Schellhorn's most comprehensive art project, "Seals," is featured in this contemporary exploration. Each day of the year, in addition to special commissioned works and exhibitions, Schellhorn creates a new seal--a geometrical art design that can take varying forms and mediums. Beginning with linocuts in the mid 1990s, the seals have been created in everything from salt poured onto a floor to woven textiles and cut paper, and their presentation has also been as unpredictably unique--the seals may be on the ground, suspended from ceilings, indoors or out, or some mix of the above. Displaying these plentiful and playful artworks, the book is an accessible addition to the examination of contemporary art and the movement of artwork into a tactile experience. Schellhorn's haptic drawing and her engagement with the surrounding environment are fascinating subjects for study in this book that reflects the relevance of this modern type of art in the 21st century.