Misaligned Monkey

By Tim Powell

Misaligned Monkey
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The Cliff
Some say there's a barrier around each of us keeping us in 'our place'. Holding us back and yet supposedly keeping us safe. For some this is a comfortable place and yet others want more and find these safety systems holding them back from having or even attempting the life they really want. Identifying your cliff and taking the steps required to go round, go over or go through it will ease and speed your path to success like no other activity.

How's your life?

Do you ever feel like

  • You could be so much more?
  • You could have so much more?
  • You could do so much more?
  • Things just don't work out for you in the way you hoped?
  • There's a force or pressure on you that holds you back or keeps you average?

At Sales Academy we worked with thousands of people who all wanted change -

Time and again we found that intelligent well-meaning people were held back by their own, internal, self-imposed limitations. It was almost like whatever they did, however hard they worked, something was wrong and somehow how ever hard they worked, their efforts and their results just didn't deliver.

Most people know success is about being smarter but....

In our experience identifying smarter is not as easy or as straightforward as you might think. It is definitely not about formal education or academic qualifications and we found many of the best educated delegates had not achieved the success they expected or hoped for. Rather, their formal education had left them stuck in their ways, in their beliefs and unable to compete with those who made better and different choices. It's also nothing to do with anything you can see. After 20 years observation we believe it's to do with what goes on inside you. It's not the size of the person in the fight that matters, it's the size of the fight in the person involved.


This story is about those choices, your choices. Choices that create a model of how things work that then dictates what you see, your analysis and your subsequent choice of action. If you are working hard and not getting what you want then working even harder won't help.

Your answer has to be different.

Most of our delegates who took a little time to examine their ideas and beliefs about how things work (we could call it their model of the world) found that something was wrong. They found old rules, old thinking and old beliefs that failed to provide the best basis for their success. Often these elements were held unconsciously operating in the background and only exposed somewhere like a well designed training event. Many delegates who stopped to consider, realised that most of their choices were made unconsciously using these unconsciously held models.


None of us arrived on planet earth with a owners guide to the human body or mind, we simply do the best we can with what we have. This story is a tale of discovery, a journey towards understanding and awareness. As our hero travels, his path reveals options and choices that you too will have already made. Some of them without any critical thought. These options will determine your successfulness.Your own unique take on how things work sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't.
If it's your story, you need to be its author. It's your job to ensure these underlying elements work in your favour to support the story you want to tell. It's the first job, the smarter action and if you don't do this first, anything else is hard work.

Every time you read this story it will appear to change, providing new moments that reach out to you providing options for change to suit the life you really want to live.

We hope you'll like it.

"This book made me think in a different way. I found simple practical yet fundamental things I could change that were holding me back unnecessa

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