Designated a Doody's Core Title!
"Writing for publication is essential for disseminating nursing knowledge, and this book will surely prepare budding authors and serve as a resource for experienced authors. It is a great reference for authors at all levels." Score: 100, Five Stars
–Doody's Medical Reviews
"Teaching writing is the biggest challenge when teaching these courses including the mechanics of writing and how to organize...manuscripts. Manuscript writing is so much different than writing a paper for a grade. Students don't always appreciate the amount of time and attention to detail that a manuscript takes. [This book is] excellent. Gives the students a broad overview of writing yet includes specifics, such as how to create tables."
–Kimberly Whiteman, DNP, MSN
Waynesburg University
Praise for previous edition
This award-winning book has helped thousands of nursing students and nurses produce high quality work, with its focus on all aspects of writing for professional publication. The new fifth edition offers two-color design to enhance the reading experience, expanded coverage on selecting a journal, conducting and reporting a literature review, reporting evidence syntheses, and preparing DNP projects as manuscripts, as well as a greater variety of journal examples. A full chapter on writing research reports makes this edition particularly useful for PhD students and researchers.
Designed for nursing students in MSN, DNP, and PhD programs along with faculty and practitioners interested in disseminating their scholarship, this comprehensive resource demystifies the process of writing for publication with easy-to-follow examples and expert guidance. It leads nurses step-by-step through scholarly writing from idea to publication with clear direction for a multitude of writing formats, including case reports, editorials, chapters, books, and more. Instructor Resources include a sample course syllabus, an online course with 17 modules, and PowerPoints for each module.
New to the Fifth Edition:
Key Features: