Volume five of a series of plays written by Pam Gems. THE BLUE ANGEL, LOVING WOMEN, NATALYA
THE BLUE ANGEL was first performed on the 7th of September, 1991 at The Other Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire. The production transferred to the Globe Theatre, London, on the 20th of May, 1992. Produced by MARK FURNESS, JOHN NEWMAN and the Royal Shakespeare Company, directed by TREVOR NUNN, designed by MARIA BJORNSON.
LOVING WOMEN was first performed on the 31st of January, 1984, at the Arts Theatre, Great Newport Street, London, UK.
Produced by JONATHAN GEMS and DAVID JONES, directed by PHILIP DAVIS, designed by JONATHAN GEMS.
NATALYA - The real-life model for Natalya is dead. In NATALYA, the play, she is a survivor. Criminal of course.
LADYBIRD, LADYBIRD was first performed on April 23rd, 1979, at the King's Head Theatre, Islington, London, UK.