Introduction to Corrections

By Robert D. Hanser

Introduction to Corrections
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Introduction to Corrections provides students with an understanding of basic concepts in the field of corrections. The book offers comprehensive coverage of both institutional and community corrections, with particular emphasis on the perspective of the practitioner.

Students taking corrections classes often have wild misconceptions about prison work and the corrections environment - misconceptions typically derived from movies and the news, and even current textbooks. In this new text, Robert Hanser uses his own on-the-ground experience to colorfully explain how the corrections system actually works, and what′s it′s like to be a part of it.

A practioner, scholar, and experienced teacher whose research has focused on gangs, domestic violence, and corrections, Hanser introduces students to the correctional worker′s complex world of sub-cultural norms, the impact of prisoner classification and assessment, and both the theory and legal elements affecting corrections systems today.

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