Footsteps on the Diamond Path

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Footsteps on the Diamond Path
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The Buddha's teachings are literally for everyone. They go beyond cultural borders and touch the root of each human being's consciousness. The teachings are basically aimed at bringing peace and happiness into our daily lives, both for ourselves and others, and at developing compassion toward all living beings.

Buddhism has many different technique or practices which apply to different situations and our different levels of consciousness. Some stress self-help through disciplined inquiry and others emphasize compassion and understanding. The teachings investigate everything about life and the world: how we perceive, how we feel, how we judge and think. The path is not one of dogma but freedom. In all of this one principle applies: you cannot understand the Dharma properly or deeply without an initial experience of the teachings and a certain amount of practice and skill. Footsteps on the Diamond Path offers guidance from masters of the past and present in all these areas.

Beginning with the lineage of the Nyingma teachings that have come down to us today, the book moves from the traditionally presented life of the Buddha through the three paths to liberation, the life of Guru Padmasambhava, the development of Tibetan Buddhism, the Nyingma lineage holders, and the gurus of Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche. Understanding the roots and ground for the teachings we practice today is essential to developing confidence in the path we choose to follow.

The second and third sections focus on teachings from the tradition and teachings for the West. Articles and translations of Tibetan texts from great masters on mind, feelings, meditation, thoughts, mantra, inner calm, laziness, self-image, and transmuting energies offer a rich array of insights and practices.

From Longchenpa (15th century) we have instructions on Orienting the Mind to the Dharma.

From the great terma master Karma Lingpa (14th century revealer of the Tibetan Book of the Dead) we have instructions in the Vajra Guru Mantra, the heart of the Nyingma tradition.

From Patrul Rinpoche (19th century) we have instructions on How to hear the Teachings and How to Practice the Teachings as well as his counsels.

From Lama Mipham (19th century) we learn Mind is the Root, receive instructions on Attaining Inner Calm, and get A Look into the Skylike Mirror.

From Machig Labdron, (renowned12th century female practitioner) we are educated regarding The Four Demons. She says "The truth of the matter is this: Anything whatsoever that obstructs the attainment of liberation is a demon."

From Tarthang Tulku (20th -21st century} we get a taste of Ritual Practice: Entering the Mandala. While this is his only contribution to the section on traditional teachings, the ten articles by Tarthang Tulku for the western student introduce us to the mind, feelings, and practice with pieces entitled: On Thoughts, Transmuting Energies through Breath, the Nature of Laziness, How to Meditate, Analyzing the Judging Mind, Mind and Feelings, The Self-Image, and The Prize of True Understanding.

Exquisite woodblock prints, many of which were cut in Derge in18th century Tibet, enrich the texts, It is a rare opportunity to enjoy these treasured images. The combination of these images, translated texts, and articles geared toward the western student makes Footsteps on the Diamond Path a book that all students, beginners or experienced ones, should read and re-read.

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