Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities has been expanded and updated to include everything a student or professional needs to know when working with children with developmental disabilities. Utilizing a problem-solving approach, this comprehensive Third Edition enhances critical thinking and evaluation skills.
Barbara Connolly and Patricia Montgomery present case studies of five children with frequently encountered impairments and functional limitations. The case studies illustrate the application of current motor development, motor control, and motor learning theories as well as the development of evaluation and intervention strategies.
Incorporated within Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities, Third Edition is the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. The disablement model, as used in the Guide, assists therapists in identifying functional limitations and creating their own intervention strategies.
Updated chapter topics include review traditional and contemporary theories of neural control, test and measures used in pediatrics, organizational models for intervention, and, assistive devices. Unique to the Third Edition are chapters for research in the era of evidence based practice and aging issues for individuals with developmental disabilities. Over 175 figures are used to create a visual representation of the topics addressed.
With informative figures, excellent case studies, and a problem-solving approach, Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities, Third Edition is the perfect resource for both students and practicing clinicians.
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