WHOLLY HEALTHY (Whole + Holy + Healthy)

By Bill Ellis

WHOLLY HEALTHY (Whole + Holy + Healthy)
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"Wholly Healthy" was given to Bill Ellis by the Holy Spirit to promote in the faith community a holistic approach to meeting the needs of people. The play on words is from the juxtaposition of wholly=wholeness and holy=holiness. The "Wholly Healthy" journey is a period of utilizing certain spiritual disciplines or practices. In this 21-day course, we will engage in the practices of fasting, meditating, and consecrating. Fasting is abstinence from all or certain foods. Meditation is contemplation and reflection to reach higher levels of awareness. Consecration is the devotion or dedication of any noun to God. While on this path, be sensitive to how the Spirit will guide and assist you in becoming the WHOLE AND HOLY YOU. Pay attention to your spiritual diet as well as your natural diet and commit to only consuming and digesting in your body the things that will benefit your WHOLE Health. The road to wholeness, healing, happiness, and more is within reach. Let's go!

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