Surely in life these sins exist. We’ve all committed at least one deadly sin at some point in life, maybe more. And more you shall receive while reading Dante’s Sins. Each story is bound to touch your heart and make you ask yourself; What would I’ve done? How would I have reacted? Be prepared to go on a journey.
Here we go.
Let Pride introduce you to Katrina whose good looks and soaring self confidence gives her a little more than simple black mail.
Greed will take you to Jake who will do whatever it takes to get his money back but who will suffer even die along the way.
Envy leads to Samantha whose constant craving for love and attention comes true with crazy consequences.
Anger brings you to Jane who has it all; wealth and beauty yet only dreams of having it destroyed with a vengeance.
Lust introduces you to Jill who only wants to find one true love but ends up with a lot more than a little crush.
Gluttony crashes into to Ryan and Kate who love life's little highs only to be stalked by hate and evil.
And finally, Sloth clashes with Jenna who grew up in a wasteful, lazy world read on as she watches it all crumble and disappear.
Dante’s Sins is a work of fiction that will take you on a emotional roller coaster ride filled with up and downs. Sometimes sad and unfortunate but oh so forever human.