SAGE Congratulates Mary Stohr on receiving the 2009 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Founder's Award for outstanding contributions to criminal justice education and ACJS!Corrections: A Text/Reader provides the best of both worlds- authored text sections with carefully selected accompanying readings that illustrate the questions and controversies surrounding the punishment, treatment, supervision, and management of individuals who have been accused of or convicted of criminal offenses. The articles, from leading journals in criminology and criminal justice, reflect both classic studies and state-of-the-art research, and often have a policy perspective that makes them more applied, less theoretical, and more interesting to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Key Features
Begins with an introductory chapter that presents a succinct overview ofCorrections, and briefly describes the organization and content of the book Features How to Read a Research Article -a perfect introduction to understanding how real-world research is organized and delivered in the journal literature-which precedes and is tied to the first reading in the bookIncludes a "mini-chapter for each Section, with figures and tables that present basic concepts and provide a background for the Readings that followIntroduces students to cutting-edge research and classic studies of the corrections system by leading scholars in the field in carefully selected, edited research articlesProvides key terms, Web resources, and thought-provoking discussion questions for each Section, along with questions for each reading to help students develop their critical thinking skills
Accompanied by High Quality Ancillaries!
Instructor Resources on CDinclude a test bank, PowerPoint slides for each section, classroom activities, and more. To request a copy, qualified adopters should contact SAGE Customer Care at 800-818-SAGE (7243) from 6am 5pm, PT. A Student study site at provides additional articles, self-study quizzes, e-flashcards, and more.
Intended AudienceThis unique Text/Reader is primarily intended for undergraduate and graduate courses in correctionsTo learn about our Text/Readers across the criminology and criminal justice curriculum, please visit us at
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