SPSS for Intermediate Statistics

By Nancy L. Leech, Karen Caplovitz Barrett, George Arthur Morgan

SPSS for Intermediate Statistics
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This book is designed to help students learn to analyze and interpret research data using intermediate statistics. The new edition features SPSS 12.0 for Windows, but can also be used with versions 10 and 11. Each chapter introduces several related statistics and provides instructions on how to run them and interpret the outputs. The authors describe the use and interpretation of these statistics in user-friendly, non-technical, jargon-free language. The examples use realistic data from the modified high school and beyond (HSB) and college student datasets, available on the CD in the back of the book. The authors' goal is to demonstrate: how to choose the appropriate statistic based on the research design, how to use SPSS to answer research questions, how to interpret SPSS outputs, and how to write about the outputs in the results section of a research paper. key SPSS windows that students need to see to perform the statistical analyses, especially helpful to visual learners; *complete outputs for the analyses performed to give students the total picture of what they can expect to produce; *call-out boxes on the actual output highlight the parts to focus on and what they mean; *interpretation sections to help students better understand the output and provide tips on how to write the results; *interpretation questions (many of which are new) to stimulate thinking about the output and its meaning with answers to the odd-numbered questions; *specially developed flow charts and tables to help readers select an appropriate inferential statistic and how to interpret statistical significance and effect sizes; *lab assignments organized in a manner similar to the way in which students proceed when they prepare their data for a research project; *a new quick reference guide to SPSS procedures not discussed in the chapters; and research questions, and a NEW section on how to create APA tables and figures. Features new to this edition include: *a discussion of effect size, as well as statistical significance in the interpretation sections, consistent with the new APA guidelines; *new and more in-depth discussion of exploratory data analysis, testing assumptions, reliability assessment, principal components and factor analysis, multiple regression, logistic regression, factorial repeated measures ANOVA, MANOVA, and canonical correlation; *examples of writing about and creating APA tables from the SPSS output; *discussions of assumptions when statistics are first introduced to reinforce the consideration of the problem at hand when selecting a statistic; *two datasets now available on a CD enclosed with the book; and *SPSS syntax, along with the outputs, for those who prefer this format. An ideal supplement for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in intermediate statistics or research methods found in departments of psychology, education, and other social and health sciences; access to SPSS and familiarity with Windows is all tha