This manual enables athletes to enhance their physical performance through mental training. It was developed in response to a request from the coaching staff associated with the American Olympic and National Team athletes. It has been field tested by elite athletes, and its effectiveness was also examined in laboratory studies with undergraduate students. The manual is appropriate for either competitive or recreational athletes who wish to enhance those psychological skills important for performance. It can be used in conjunction with the consultation of a coach/instructor and a sports psychologist, or be implemented into a self-directed program.
The mental skills taught here include: relaxation, stress management, positive thought control, self-regulation, mental rehearsal, concentration, energy control.
Each step is presented as a series of training exercises, a self-assessment unit, and a training log unit. The manual is so constructed that the reader can easily individualize his/her training schedule.
Dr Richard M Suinn is a member of the Steering Committee for the Sports Psychology Advisory Panel of the US Olympic Committee's Sports Medicine Council.