The case against AlzCura intensifies until the FDA’s shocking response to the data. Will the guilty parties walk, or will they be brought to justice?
Jackie and Curt find solace in one another’s company as law enforcement officials increasingly take over the case against AlzCura. Things look promising when AlzCura cooperates with a request to produce a person of interest. Only to have hopes dashed when the person commits suicide before being questioned.
Hope is renewed when Food and Drug Administration officials ask to meet with law enforcement over the evidence against AlzCura. But their response to the facts is far from helpful and serves only to thwart the momentum of the case.
With the crusade and the case against AlzCura at a critical juncture, would justice prevail? Or would the well-heeled executives with insider connections escape accountability for their crimes and the deaths of untold thousands who entrusted their lives to their so-called miracle cure?
Memory’s Hope is the final book in the page-turning Table for Four medical thriller series. It’s a captivating story of good versus evil with engaging characters who will take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride.
Pick it up now. You’ll have trouble putting it down.
A portion of the proceeds from this series is donated to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.