This fully revised textbook is a new edition of RonaldWardhaugh’s popular and accessible
An Introduction toSociolinguistics.
- Provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction tosociolinguistics that reflects new developments in the field.
- Fully revised, with 130 new and updated references to bring thebook completely up-to-date.
- Includes suggested readings, discussion sections, andexercises.
- Features increased emphasis on issues of identity, solidarity,and power
- Discusses topics such as language dialects, pidgins andcreoles, codes, bilingualism, speech communities, variation, wordsand culture, ethnographies, solidarity and politeness, talk andaction, gender, disadvantage, and planning.
- Designed for introductory and post-introductory students, andideal for courses including introduction to sociolinguistics,aspects of sociolinguistics, and language and society.