Hand and Wrist Surgery

By Kevin C. Chung

Hand and Wrist Surgery
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Hand and Wrist Surgery, edited by Dr. Kevin Chung, shows you how to perform all the latest procedures and get the best results. This medical reference book in the Operative Techniques series uses step-by-step descriptions, illustrations, and videos to provide all the guidance you need to succeed.

  • Search the complete contents online and watch all the videos with expertconsult.com.
  • Improve your technique and optimize outcomes with pearls and pitfalls from the authors.
  • Get just the information you need thanks to a new, more concise format and a user-friendly presentation.
  • Watch and learn: 72 video clips show you how Dr. Chung performs key techniques.
  • Know what to look for, how to proceed, and what results to expect with even more photos and illustrations demonstrating each technique and radiographs showing presenting problems and post-surgical outcomes.
  • Stay up to date on the latest advances, including a greater focus on tissue-transplantation topics, four new procedures on skin flaps, and additional chapters on tendon transfers.

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