Author's Testimony
The toddler had been told to remain on the grassy embankment. Instead, she tried following the family down the rippling creekbed. Walking was slippery, her feet slid into a hole, and water now surrounded her nose, her face up to her eyes!
An authoritative whisper inside her said, "Stay calm. Take one step back," Her little mind, thought, It's slick back there. That's how I got into this hole. Scared, almost witless, she obeyed that whisper. Miraculously, she was again standing in shallow creek water. She still remembers the relief of taking a deep breath of air.
That was the first time the author met Jesus, son of God!
Now He says, "Go public! In parables tell your story of the three true life-altering events! Introduce the hoosier heroes everyone loved. Believe in your Savior who spearheads victory!"
Interwoven as well in "An Overcomer's Eye for an Eye" are enchantment from Lucinda's heart and comedy from her work-a-day world experiences. You will not be able to lay down this action-packed eye-for-an-eye parabole!