Nowadays, newly developed software packages are often obsolete already at the time of their introduction. Object-oriented software development is a possible—if not the only—solution to this dilemma: applications are modeled as software objects that describe the properties and the behavior of real-world entities. Such objects are encapsulated, in that they hide—behind a publicly known interface—the complexity of their internal data structures and behaviors. This enables objects to be used in a wide range of program packages without needing to know the details of their internal implementation.
Linking object-oriented modeled applications with a database places special demands on a database management system and development environment when the usual performance and semantics losses are to be avoided. This book provides a detailed description of the object model of the Caché postrelational database. In addition, it guides the reader step-by-step through the development of postrelational applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the complete associated software:
InterSystems CachéTM 4.0 Single-UserThe use of this licensed software is governed by an end user license agreement contained in the software.
System requirements
PC with Intel CPU (Pentium or better), CD-ROM drive, Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT/2000, 64 MB main memory (128 MB recommended), 100 MB free disk space.