Since it first published, the Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care has been the mainstay reference for neonatal nurses. Co-edited and authored by physicians, it focuses on the collaborative nature of neonatal intensive care and examines evidence-based clinical decision-making to demonstrate every aspect of the intensive care of the neonate, with a strong emphasis on clinical practice. Key neonatal topics are covered, and pathophysiology is examined using a systems approach. Comprehensive enough for both physicians and nurses, this handbook is a vital resource for those providing neonatal intensive care.
- Multidisciplinary author and contributor team present a real-world perspective similar to that experienced in the neonatal intensive care unit.
- Clinically applicable content is set in boldface type for easy identification for busy neonatal care providers.
- Evidence-based practice explained in the first chapter provides a solid background with evidence-based rationales and references to underscore its significance for neonatal health care providers.
- Diagnostic Imaging chapter includes basic information on how diagnostic imaging tests are evaluated.
- Follow-Up Care chapter covers how health care providers should refer the neonate and parents to appropriate care post-discharge from the NICU.
- Includes a Parent Teaching section for each disorder or relevant section.
- Infection in the Neonate chapter includes current immunization recommendations for neonates.
- Case studies illustrate important points when writing hospital orders for the neonate.
- Parent Teaching feature highlights post-discharge care of the neonate.
- Critical Findings feature, located in the assessment section of disorders, helps the nurse prioritize data and steps in initial care.
- Data Collection feature incorporates information that should be included as part of the neonate's history.