
By Edward Schiappa, John P. Nordin

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Uses a conceptual framework to discuss argumentation

This text uses a conceptual framework involving three types of claims (fact, value, policy) that are advanced by forms of reasoning (definition, example, cause, sign, etc.). This framework describes a wider variety of arguments.

Learning Goals

Upon completing this book, readers will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts in argumentation theory, criticism, and practice
  • Make good arguments as well as evaluate the arguments they encounter

0205943721 / 9780205943722 Introduction to Argumentation Plus New MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 1/e

Package Consists of:

0205239927 / 9780205239924 MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205327443 / 9780205327447 Introduction to Argumentation

Note: MySearchLab does not come automatically packaged with this text.

Book Details