Questions About the End Times

By S. Michael Houdmann Houdmann

Questions About the End Times
Available for 7.99 USD

Wars and rumors of wars, blood moons, natural disasters, the onslaught of terrorism, spreading heresiesthe news is filled with reports of such things. But which of them are truly signs of the times, according to biblical prophecy?

God says, I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come (Isaiah 46:10). The One who knows the future has revealed much about it in His Word, the Bible.

This book contains one hundred questions concerning the end times, answered from a biblical perspective. How can I understand the book of Revelation? What is Israels role? What is the rapture? Should I be worried about 666? Are we living in the end times? We dont have all the details of what will happen, but this book will point you consistently to the Bible for answers. The student of Scripture should have an advantage when it comes to prophecy: You, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief (1 Thessalonians 5:4).

Eschatology is a fascinating and beneficial study. Following current events is sometimes like watching pieces of a puzzle fall into place. We know Gods purposes will stand and what He has decreed will come to pass.

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