Mosby's Canadian Nursing Drug Reference E-Book

By Linda Skidmore-Roth, Faith Richardson

Mosby's Canadian Nursing Drug Reference E-Book
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- Coverage of the latest Health-Canada–approved drugs ensure you have access to the most up-to-date medications. - Up-to-date content reflects the latest drug therapies. - NEW! Approximately 100 review questions on the companion Evolve website strengthen your confidence to accurately and safely administer drugs. - NEW! Geri-Alert banner indicates drugs with potential adverse effects in gerontological patients. - NEW! Appendix on Older Persons, Polypharmacy, and Adverse Drug Events (ADEs). - NEW! Case studies on Evolve reflect the NCLEX-RN® NGN Clinical Judgement Measurement Model and the latest Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) competencies.

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