Mariposa is a personal testimony of how there is hope even for the most lost person to find forgiveness, acceptance, and redemption. From childhood to adulthood, my life has been filled with domestic violence, alcohol, drugs, and gangs. The road I have traveled has been paved by rejection, selfishness, disobedience, and various forms of heartache and sorrow. The choices I have made led me to live a hard and lonely life. All along the way, Christ accompanied me and never let me go. He has protected me from death and rescued me from a compromised and lukewarm lifestyle. In this story, you will read how nothing is impossible with God. In life, we will face many tests over and over again; we will fail most of these tests. Do not lose hope. Remember that without these tests, there would be no testimony. God is faithful, and His love for us never fails us. Through this never-ending love, I have found peace, joy, and hope. No matter how dark the night has been or how fierce the storms have come, you can be sure that the arms of Christ have held you and will continue to hold you. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone and the new is here" (Corinthians 5:17). Only by the grace of God can we be transformed from being a lowly worm: struggling to survive on our own strength. Hoping we are not squashed or eaten by a bigger bug. Until one day we realize we must give up and surrender our way of life. Our metamorphosis begins as we die to our flesh. We suddenly wake up from our sleep and break free from the cell that entrapped us. We find that we have been transformed and set free. Given a new identity and wings to fly. No longer a crawling worm but a beautiful mariposa.