For forty years, collector Rob Roth has gathered rare examples of rock tour posters, advertising posters, rock memorabilia, original artwork and items of merchandise. His spectacular collection is so vast that it has never all been put on public display, but when visitors to his spacious New York loft apartment—visitors like Elton John and Alice Cooper—caught a glimpse of some of the material Roth has collected over the years, they were amazed and urged him to let rock fans see the dazzling array of artifacts. When designer John Varvatos saw the collection, he was so stunned by it that he begged Roth to lend him pieces for his new store in Las Vegas. More of Roth's pieces will be on display in the Varvatos Soho store and other upcoming locations in the fall of 2010. Varvatos has even offered to host a launch party in the Soho store for the book at its time of publication.
For many, the items lovingly cataloged in the pages of The Art of Classic Rock will evoke nostalgic memories of their youth—of blazing lights, drifting smoke and of the all-pervading power of their favorite rock concerts. Unlike anything else on the market, The Art of Classic Rock is a lavishly produced presentation of the most vivid and exciting artwork from the rock world, as well as a guide to understanding the the most influential rock banks of our time.
Each section of The Art of Classic Rock focuses on a well-known band, covering its defining tours and albums to show how the band's iconic designs and graphic styles changed, and to provide an overview of rock history from the period. An introduction to each section puts the images in context, outlining the stage the band and its acts had reached in their development when the particular images and designs displayed were used, and discussing the art and artists behind the work. Each piece of art also features a caption describing exactly what it is, while items with a particular story are accompanied by longer, more detailed text.
The Rob Roth collection has been meticulously photographed specifically for this book by photographer Richard Marot who spent hundreds of hours working with a team of technicians to ensure that the images appearing in The Art of Classic Rock are a sumptuous and accurate representation of the truly stunning Rob Roth Collection.