America Deceived

By E.A. Blayre III

America Deceived
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America Deceived II ..... by E.A. Blayre III

Click on Other Books by this author, and read the Free Preview of the infamous 9/11 chapter

Overview of America Deceived

Technological breakthrough allows US government to provide free, unlimited energy to the nation.
The cost? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Holocaust in America begins.

Controversy of America Deceived by E.A. Blayre III

Regarding the controversy about America Deceived, Wikipedia, based solely on this novel, changed their inclusion guidelines then outright banned it. Ebay removed the book for a week from all listings then allowed it to be sold.

The author, E.A. Blayre III, has been banned permanently from Facebook in full view of the public (over 1,000 fans/friends witnessed the Facebook censorship). Despite these setbacks, the book America Deceived continues to sell and the author E.A. Blayre III maintains a profile on MySpace which contains screenshots of the aforesaid censorship.

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