God wants us to have richer biblical insight.
Have you ever wondered how to get the most out of your Bible reading? Do you want deeper insight into the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer? This book covers five key ways of interpreting the Bible that will enrich your understanding of it. Many other ways to better understand the Bible are explained in an appendix.
In Hints From The Lord’s Prayer, we go through the Lord’s Prayer primarily using these five main methods for correctly analyzing Scripture. We show how to better interpret the Bible to get a fuller comprehension of it. In addition, many parts of the Lord’s Prayer come alive as you realize there are suggested truths that you have not seen. To give a few examples: there are hints about ways we err by using magical practices in our relationship with God, that we are to focus on what God has specifically appointed for us to do each day, how forgiving others also means we forgive ourselves, and how being delivered from evil includes being delivered from the evil eye.
A lot of believers don’t know how to obey the command to accurately interpret the Bible (2 Tim 2:15). Errors or shallow understanding are the result. Using these sound methods gives us eye-opening insights about the Prayer. It also gives practical help on how to use these crucial approaches for other parts of the Bible.
These tools can revolutionize your spiritual life!