This innovative book aims to support schools in shifting teaching and learning in primary science by changing teacher perceptions of where science should be taught. The authors have not taken a traditional approach to the use of school grounds but a much bolder step in terms of a whole school approach to the science curriculum being taught outside. Key features of the book include:
- Practical examples from teachers in schools across England
- Approaches that combine science and the development of personal capabilities for teachers who want to develop a whole school approach relating to key skills in science
- Innovative approaches to activities in science using the school grounds
- Suggestions to help science leaders to develop their staff to be confident in using the school grounds across the science curriculum
- Development of pupil independence in choosing when and why to take their learning outside the classroom boundaries
With a shift from indoors to outdoors, comes a range of practical considerations and challenges for both the school and the pupil and these are what the book tackles. It is a must read for students on ITT courses and Key Stage 2 teachers who are keen to move their settings forward and provide appropriate progression throughout the primary years.