PERIL PRESS presents:
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, February 1943
by Robert Leslie Bellem
There was only one man on the set who could have shot the arrow, yet Dan hated to think Jeff could be guilty. Motive tumbles over motive, and suspect waltzes around with suspect—but there still remains the question: Where did the arrow come from?
6000 Words
Hollywood Detective, December 1945
by Robert Leslie Bellem
The clean-living young movie star had emoted his final scene in the audible tintypes. He was now knifed deader than a poached egg, and maybe there'd been more in his life than was suspected by his associates. In any case, Dan Turner, having been in at the kick-off of this murder game, decided he'd throw his weight around until the final whistle!
5000 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, May 1943
by Robert Leslie Bellem
It was a screwy assignment. The bogey-man thought he was going crazy! "I want you to save me from myself, Mr. Turner," he said. "I'm turning into a werewolf. And I want you to keep me from hurting my wife . . ."
5100 Words
Speed Detective, February 1946
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Dan Turner was out for the gravy, and he got it—right in the kisser! Which made Hollywood's ace private dick almost as mad as the corpse's bodyguard, who, in friendly fashion, beat the bejunior out of his pal Dan. All in all, it was the whackiest murder case in his career!
5500 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, December, 1942
by Robert Leslie Bellem
When a man goes on a bender and tries to kill the woman who has made a success of him, an ounce of prevention is called for, Dan figures, or a pound of murder will be roosting on his doorstep.
4900 Words
Hollywood Detective, January 1944
by Robert Leslie Bellem
In the flash of lightning Dan got a look at his prisoner—a man without a face, a zombie! And listening to his story, Dan suddenly felt that, here in the movie colony, he had at last found a real man!
6800 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, March, 1943
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Whatever it was, it had happened thirteen years ago! Whatever it was, only a dead man was supposed to know anything about it! Yet now Sid Waldring was being blackmailed for it. Completely in the dark, Dan offers to help if he can.
5100 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, January, 1942
by Robert Leslie Bellem
The stars had forecast her death. Professor Astrio had got the message. "Dear Miss Banning:" he had written. "I see a rope noose dangling about your head, and your life-line ends very suddenly." No wonder the movie star had wanted protection—but what could mere flesh and blood do against super-natural powers?
5700 Words
This edition includes the 21 illustrations to the eight stories, plus the covers to all eight pulps that published these stories, in addition to a GALLERY of 10 pulp covers from issues that feature stories by Robert Leslie Bellem (and his pseudonyms.)