The Power to Persuade

By Pam Allyn

The Power to Persuade
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About the Series:

Pam Allyn's widely popular Core Ready series gives educators a complete, dynamic, hands-on resource for navigating the Common Core Standards effectively, fluidly, and successfully. Using the information presented in the series, educators see how to take complex concepts related to the standards and turn them into practical, specific, everyday lessons. The books address the needs of all learners, including ELs and learners with special needs, and cover the uses of technology and new media.

Included in Core Ready Lesson Sets for Grades K-2: A Staircase to Standards Success for English Language Arts are:

The Journey to Meaning: Comprehension and Critique

The Shape of Story: Yesterday and Today

The Road to Knowledge: Information and Research

The Power to Persuade: Opinion and Argument

About this book:

The Power to Persuade: Opinion and Argument is a virtual "one-stop shop" for teachers interested in meeting the Common Core State Standards It's packed with powerful lesson sets that meet the standards, assessment rubrics, support for ELLs and diverse learners, and tips on making high tech variations on literacy instruction for grades K, 1, and 2. The Power to Persuade focuses on the understanding and recognition of the essential structures of opinion and argument through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Included are lesson sets on:

Grade K--I Have a Voice: What Is an Opinion?

Grade 1--What I Think and Why: Supporting Ideas with Reason

Grade 2--5Ws and 1H: Advertising and Promotional Writing

The grade K lessons lay the foundation for understanding opinions. The grade 1 lessons build on this understanding and introduce the concept of using evidence and reason to support an opinion. And the grade 2 lessons put the skills to work in a rigorous but exciting and fun set of lessons with real-world implications that bring the ideas to life. Additional attention is devoted to developing effective listening, conversation, and speaking behaviors when discussing, collaborating, or debating with peers.

The lesson sets follow a staircase model for curriculum development--every lesson set in every grade level builds on the other--and each lesson is based on the author's structured Warm Up, Teach, Try, Clarify framework that shows step-by-step how to make teaching points explicit and completely modeled for students.

With this book as a guide, students see how to:

  • Recognize and develop opinion and argument through reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  • Foster an awareness of purpose and point of view by examining the views of others and developing individual ideas and voice.
  • Consider their own passions, viewpoints, and reasoning by exploring opinion in real life, literature, and a variety of persuasive genres.
  • Practice effective listening, conversation, and oral speaking behaviors.

The lesson sets provide a wealth of diverse opportunities for students to say and write about what they are thinking, and respond thoughtfully to texts and ideas in intuitive and informed ways.