Welcome back to the world of spell books. This time we meet the teenage witches of Emi's old coven:
Veda - Deceptively beautiful and deeply complex, she only looks like a porcelain doll.
Fair Isle - A steampunk pixie with a dozen holes in her head.
Intarsia - Looks like an elf strayed from the greenwood, who just had a meal of moss.
Clementine - Would look like a Barbie doll if Barbie had been brutally beaten the night before.
Pearl - Straggly and stringing like a rag doll, she looks like she'll never grow up.
Salinger - who has come from his coven in the Yukon to find the girl of his dreams from among Veda and her cousins. It would be easy to choose, if their cousin, Antony, didn't keep getting in the way.