Essentials of Sociology, adapted from George Ritzer’s Introduction to Sociology, provides the same rock-solid foundation from one of sociology's best-known thinkers in a shorter and more streamlined format. With new co-author Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy, the Third Edition continues to illuminate traditional sociological concepts and theories and focuses on some of the most compelling features of contemporary social life: globalization, consumer culture, the internet, and the “McDonaldization” of society.
New to this Edition
o Michelle Alexander (The New Jim Crow)
o Elizabeth Armstrong and Laura Hamilton (Paying for the Party)
o Matthew Desmond (Evicted)
o Arlie Hochschild (Strangers in Their Own Land)
o Eric Klinenberg (Going Solo)
o C.J. Pascoe (Dude, You're a Fag)
o Lori Peek and Alice Fothergill (Children of Katrina)
o Allison Pugh (The Tumbleweed Society)