The even richer and more significant modern painting section of the Rau collection constitutes a complete record of the course of the Impressionist movement from its beginnings to maturity, from the forerunners (Corot, Courbet, Boudin) and Bazille's emblematic Fisherman with a Net to all the great Impressionist masters such as Monet (represented by six splendid masterpieces), Renoir, Manet, Caillebotte, Degas, Pissarro, Cassatt, Sisley and Cezanne. These are followed by the Nabis (with works by Serusier, Vallotton, Bonnard, Vuillard), Symbolism (Redon, Hodler, Klimt), the Fauves (Derain, Dufy, Vlaminck, Marquet) and Expressionism (Munch, Macke, Jawlensky).