Surratt shows herself to an unbelieving Borin and promises he can travel in time to be an invisible observer to the shattering events of Lincoln's assassination. The devil's bargain is for Borin to make sure Jane will bare a child. If she fails to conceive, the demon within her will die when Jane dies. Borin, with deep reservations, cannot refuse.
Was John Wilkes Booth a hired gun? Was there treason in Lincoln's Cabinet? Fiction is blended with meticulous historical research to find the answers. You will travel-in-time with Dr. Borin to April 14th 1865. You will see and hear every word, from the President's awakening in the morning to Ford's Theatre that night, when Booth murders the president. You will join the chase to capture Booth, following him to a burning tobacco shed in Virginia. He is shot dead. Ready to travel?