"One of the biggest challenges facing educational leaders today is finding strategies to keep our best and brightest teachers in our nation's classrooms. Mentoring new and veteran teachers is critical to meeting that challenge. New Teacher Mentoring: Hopes and Promise for Improving Teacher Effectiveness is a must read for educators who are serious about transforming America's classrooms." -- Beverly L. Hall, superintendent, Atlanta Public Schools and 2009 National Superintendent of the Year
"A combination of theory and practice makes this book particularly useful to educators who are responsible for the success of new teachers. The wisdom, experience, and dedication of the authors ensures that the field has a book that will endure as a valued resource for decades." -- Stephanie Hirsh, executive director, National Staff Development Council
"Ellen Moir and her colleagues are world leaders in teacher mentoring. Tens of thousands of children and young people would be far worse off had it not been for the significantly better classrooms that their well-mentored teachers have created. Moir and all those at the New Teacher Center know how to do mentoring, how to improve mentoring, and how to achieve all this on an immense scale. Here, they show just how well they can write about mentoring too. If you are a teacher or want to help one, then read this book! Its rigorous, evidence-based analysis and riveting prose will inspire you, inform you, and spur you on to do even greater things for your own and other teachers' students." -- Andy Hargreaves, Brennan Chair in Education, Boston College
Ellen Moir is founder and executive director of the New Teacher Center. Dara Barlin is the associate director of policy for the New Teacher Center. Janet Gless is associate director of the New Teacher Center. Jan Miles is northwest regional director at the New Teacher Center.