The Easiest Action Plan for Naturally Younger Skin
The glowing, wrinkle-free complexion you've always dreamed of is within your reach. You can prevent and limit the visible signs of aging—without synthetics, cosmetics, Botox, or surgery. Based on the latest scientific research, Your Skin, Younger shows you how nutritional skin care will make your skin radiant, healthy, and age-defiant.
Unlike other books or websites, Your Skin, Younger offers affordable, accessible ways to achieve gorgeous skin and explains exactly why these natural methods will work. This go-to guide for younger skin includes:
"A clear and concise guide that will help to protect the skin and improve overall health...This multidimensional resource will surely provide valuable lifestyle information."—Ron Moy, MD, President-Elect, American Academy of Dermatology, Past President of the American Society for Dermatology Surgery