This book was written to educate, inform and empower anyone who cares about their own health, safety and well being or that of a loved one.
When receiving any type of nail care service, it is imperative you know what to look for and what to be aware of.
Unsuspecting clients around the globe have experienced severe allergic reactions to nail care products, infections from dirty manicure tools, amputations, of fingers, toes, limbs, and worse, death.
The information in this book will help keep you from being the next victim of a corner cutting, careless, ill trained nail technician.
It will also show you how certain chemicals used to create acrylic nails CAN harm your unborn baby, how you CAN contract Hepatitis B and C from dirty manicure/pedicure tools, how you CAN become overexposed to certain nail product chemicals and much, much more.
The information found in this book could quite literally save your life or that of someone you know and love.