"Given the number of English learners already in our schools and the rate at which this population is growing, effectively educating language-minority students is one of the greatest challenges schools face. In this lucid, concise, and reader-friendly review of research, the authors present the information needed to create the strongest possible instructional programs."--Michael F. Graves, Professor of Literacy Education, EmeritusUniversity of Minnesota
"The authors have done an exceptionally good job of capturing the major trends, differing perspectives, and many challenges in schooling English language learners while putting forth a vision for the immediate future that is solidly grounded in research and in current and evolving knowledge."--Liliana Minaya-Rowe, Associate ResearcherCenter for Data-Driven ReformJohns Hopkins University
"A must-read for administrators, program developers, policy makers, and educators who make decisions about English language learners. Promoting Academic Achievement Among English Learners is a trustworthy source for determining what is known about providing the highest-quality educational services for language-minority students."--Patricia G. Mathes, Texas Instruments Chair of Reading Professor of Teaching and LearningSouthern Methodist University
Discover the research and facts on what works in educating English learners!
A generation or two ago, the achievement of children who came to school knowing little or no English was not a prominent national issue. Today, with the increased focus on school accountability and educational equity, it is.
This comprehensive resource explores the research on promoting academic success among language-minority students. The authors offer educators a firm basis for making decisions on policies and programs for English learners and provide research-based discussions on what we know about: