The End

By Timothy Medsker, Brandon Schuchardt

The End
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Are You Ready?This book contains vital informationpertaining to the prophetic books ofthe Holy Scriptures. Using the KingJames Version of the Bible, the authorsmake compelling cases of what awaitsthe inhabitants of the earth.What is a jungle out there of beliefs, thisbook uses the BIble to make His pathsstraight (Mark 1:3). At a time when peopleshould be paying attention, by and largemost people are living in total ignoranceof what is to come.The Pre-Tribulation RaptureThe Great Tribulation BeginsThe Revived Roman EmpireThe Antichrist & False ProphetThe Two WitnessesThe Second ComingThe Mark of the BeastThe Image of the BeastGog/Magog BattleThe Battle of Armageddon

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