Marking up a basic web page shouldn't be a quasi-religious exercise where the high priests of HTML5 must be consulted for their interpretation of the holy texts (the HTML5 spec). Don’t waste hours trawling through confusing, poorly researched, and often flat-out wrong information on the Internet. Get the truth on HTML5's markup here. You'll also find out about HTML5's new microdata standard that's being used on major websites, such as eBay and IMDB, right now, and get the low-down on the Canvas object and what it can and can't do for you. The book also covers how HTML5 affects CMSs and web apps, what HTML5 means for mobile, and what the future holds.
HTML5 isn't one big blob of technology that will be "finished" at some point in the future. It’s a grab bag of cool stuff, much of which has been around for years. Learn what’s well supported and ready to go today. Now that the initial wave of hype is over, it's time to learn the truth about HTML5.