Stories Jesus Told - Bible Study Book

By Daniel Fusco

Stories Jesus Told - Bible Study Book
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Stories Jesus Told Bible Study Book includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," a leader guide, tips for leading a group, and a Bible reading plan. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

Everyone loves a good story. Whether it's a novel, film, or song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us--for good or bad. If you need fresh inspiration or are stuck living under the weight of a story you can't shake off, consider this study of the parables of Jesus.

Through six sessions, you'll hear directly from Jesus through the Word. His parables not only form (or reform) who we are, they reveal more about God than we ever thought possible. They provide the hope we're looking for, speaking above all the other noise we may be experiencing.

Session topics:
1. Why Parables?
2. The Parable of the Soils
3. The Parables of Lost Things
4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
5. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
6. The Parable of the Talents

● Six free teaching videos featuring author Daniel Fusco--access included with purchase of Bible Study Book
● Six small group sessions
● Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

● Find hope in God.
● Gain a clearer understanding of why Jesus taught the way He did.
● See Jesus' heart and compassion through some of the most memorable and best-loved teaching in Scripture.
● Peel back the layers of your own heart to discover what's truly important to you.
● Make movement toward Jesus.
● Experience the heart of Christ.
● See Jesus' concern and care for lost things.
● Begin to see how God deals with us in our suffering.
● Walk with Jesus through six well known parables.

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