Migrant Workers in the Gulf

By Roger Owen

Migrant Workers in the Gulf
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The oil price explosion of the early 1970s triggered off a massive wave of labour migration into the oil-rich states of the Gulf. The migrants came from the poorer Arab countries, from Asia and Africa, attracted by wage levels considerably higher than they could earn in their homelands-. Some came on short-term contracts, others stayed many years. By the end of the 1980s, there were thought to be over six million migrant workers in the region. 

Migrant Workers in the Gulf for the first time provides a concise overview of the situation of these new migrant workers. Written by Dr. Roger Owen, it gives a valuable insight into the problems and the pressures they face. The report also contains an MRG Update by Dr. Nicholas Van Hear, outlining the mass population movements in the early 1990s. About two million foreign residents left Iraq and Kuwait in the aftermath of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 800,000 Yemenis were pressured to leave Saudi Arabia, while in 1991 persecution of Kuwait's long­established Palestinian community by the newly restored rulers led to their mass exodus. 

The report poses vital questions. Can the rights of migrant workers be protected? Can mass population movements be prevented in the future? What should be the role of the UN and the international community? This unique report should be of immense value to all those interested in the social and economic history of the Middle East and Asia and to policy­makers concerned with migration, labour and mass movements of people worldwide. 

Please note that the terminology in the fields of minority rights and indigenous peoples’ rights has changed over time. MRG strives to reflect these changes as well as respect the right to self-identification on the part of minorities and indigenous peoples. At the same time, after over 50 years’ work, we know that our archive is of considerable interest to activists and researchers. Therefore, we make available as much of our back catalogue as possible, while being aware that the language used may not reflect current thinking on these issues.