Human Anatomy, Media Update

By Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon B. Mallatt

Human Anatomy, Media Update
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

Human Anatomy, Media Update, Sixth Edition builds upon the clear and concise explanations of the best-selling Fifth Edition with a dramatically improved art and photo program, clearer explanations and readability, and more integrated clinical coverage. Recognized for helping students establish the framework needed for understanding how anatomical structure relates to function, the text’s engaging descriptions now benefit from a brand-new art program that features vibrant, saturated colors as well as new side-by-side cadaver photos. New Focus figures have been added to help students grasp the most difficult topics in anatomy. This is the standalone book.

If you want the package order this ISBN:

0321753267 / 9780321753267 Human Anatomy with MasteringA&P™, Media Update

Package consists of:

0321753275 / 9780321753274 Human Anatomy, Media Update

0321754182 / 9780321754189 Practice Anatomy Lab 3.

0321765079 / 9780321765079 MasteringA&P" with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card for Human Anatomy, Media Update

0321765648 / 9780321765642 Wrap Card for Human Anatomy with Practice Anatomy Lab 3.0, Media Update

080537373X / 9780805373738 Brief Atlas of the Human Body, A

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