Chakras for Beginners

By Jessica Harris

Chakras for Beginners
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Learning about chakras is a spiritual journey that everyone should take at some point in life.

The lessons you learn are useful and will help you change the course of your life. Mastery of your chakras is important in that it accords you an infinite understanding of your spirituality and its connection to the universe around you. What is interesting about chakras is that they are things we know about, but never pay attention to. Most of the time you go about your life like a blind person, unaware of the energy around you, or the energy you emit.

Ever wondered why you keep attracting bad company while other people attract good company?

In Sanskrit, you attract similar energy to the one you emit. If you constantly give off negative vibes, you will attract negativity. Those who give off positive energies always have positivity around them. You want nothing but good things in your life. It is time for you to embrace your spirituality, learn about your chakras, and how they affect or control your life. From the first to the last chakra, so much happens in your life that you should learn about. In this book, we covered some of the common symptoms to look for, which will alert you when your chakra is blocked, and what to do. Apart from the emotional and spiritual symptoms, we have also addressed physical experiences that should warn you when something is not right with any of your chakras.

DOWNLOAD: Chakras for Beginners: How to absorb the universal energy and Begin to radiate positive vibrations with this self-help guide. Self-healing practices through Meditation, Psychic Empath, Crystals & Yoga

The exercises and routines recommended for balancing your chakras are easy to perform. Allow yourself a few minutes each day for this, and you can get your life back in line. To live and enjoy your life with all the happiness that the universe bestows upon you, the secret lies in a mastery of the seven chakras. Mastery means you understand what they do, and how they control your life.

This level of mastery will help you improve your relationships with people around you, your relationships with nature and the entire universe. Balanced chakras give you peace, not just with people around you, but more importantly, peace with yourself.

After all, you cannot know how to love and care for others until you to learn how to do the same for yourself, and the value it holds in your life.

In this book, you will learn more about:

  • What are the seven chakras?
  • What are chakras for?
  • How chakras work
  • What is an aura
  • How to open your third eye
  • Take control of your life
  • Tips to balance your chakras
  • Symptoms of blockage
  • Muladhara chakra
  • Sacral chakra - svadhishthana
  • The solar plexus chakra
  • The heart chakra
  • The throat chakra
  • Base/root chakra
  • The crown chakra
  • The brow chakra
  • ... AND OTHER!

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