ACE THE GMAT is based on a simple but powerful observation: Test-takers who score high on the GMAT exam do so primarily by understanding how to solve a finite number of the most important, recurring problems that appear on the GMAT. What are these important, recurring problems? The answer to this question is the basis of this book. This manual provides in-depth analysis of over 200 all-star problems that are key to mastering the seven major GMAT problem types including Problem Solving, Data Sufficiency, Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Analytical Writing, and Integrated Reasoning. Apart from providing readers with answers and full explanations, a special feature of this book is that each problem is categorized by type (“classification”), rated by difficulty level (“chili rating”), and supplemented with a problem-solving strategy (“snapshot”).
“Chance favors the prepared mind.” Whether you’re a candidate already enrolled in a test-prep course or are undertaking self-study, this guidebook will serve as a rigorous skill-building study guide to help you conquer the math, verbal, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning sections of the exam. Studying for the math and verbal sections of the GMAT exam requires some 100 hours of study time. This book’s content is conveniently divided into topics, which require two to three hours of study time per day. Total study time will vary between 80 to 120 hours for the entire 40 days.
Solving (Official exam instructions for Problem Solving, Strategies and approaches, Review of basic math, Multiple-choice problems, Answers and explanations); Chapter 3 – Data Sufficiency (Official exam instructions for Data Sufficiency, Strategies and approaches, How are answers chosen in Data Sufficiency? How do the big seven numbers work? Multiple-choice problems, Answers and explanations); Chapter 4 – Sentence Correction (Official exam instructions for Sentence Correction, Strategies and approaches, Review of Sentence Correction, Multiple-choice problems, Answers and explanations); Chapter 5 – Critical Reasoning (Official exam instructions for Critical Reasoning, Strategies and approaches, Review of Critical Reasoning, Multiple-choice problems, Answers and explanations); Chapter 6 – Reading Comprehension (Official exam instructions for Reading Comprehension, Strategies and approaches, Review of Reading Comprehension, Answers and explanations); Chapter 7 – Analytical Writing Workshop (Official exam instructions for the Analytical Writing Assessment, Strategies and approaches, Review of Analytical Writing, Essay exercises, Outlines and proposed solutions); Chapter 8 – Integrated Reasoning Workshop (Official exam instructions for Integrated Reasoning, Strategies and approaches; Review of Integrated Reasoning with exercises, Answers and explanations); Appendix I – GMAT and MBA Informational Websites (Registering for the GMAT exam; MBA fairs & forums; MBA social networks; GMAT courses; Other GMAT & MBA websites; Information on business school rankings); Appendix II – Contact Information for the World’s Leading Business Schools (U.S. business schools; Canadian business schools; European business schools; Australian business schools; Asia-Pacific business schools; Latin and South American business schools; South African business schools); Quiz – Answers; On a Personal Note; Praise for Ace the GMAT.
“Finally, a book that helps you master those learning skills that are critical to success on the GMAT.” —Linda B. Meehan, former Assistant Dean & Executive Director of Admissions, Columbia Business School